My adventurous projects in the world of audio-electronics.

warning : I'm a musician, NOT an electrician. What I do to my own equipment, is not necessary correct! I enjoy doing DIY stuff, and thought it was cool to put up a kind of studio tech-diary, a modding-log

Thank you for looking, and I hope you enjoy what you find here!

best, Kaada

Apr 22, 2006


Here's my hometweaked amps. They are not exactly "glassy clean" but has nice harmonics and a blues type distortion when cranked. The high gain channel picks up from there, going into heavy overdrive. So far I like em best with 12AX7-12AT7-KT66 tubes. Sometimes they serve a surprisingly pleasing and unmistakable sound quality, and other times they sound like dust. The one on your right has 4 jack inputs. I like to use it live as a selector between fuzzy&feedy vocalmics.

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