My adventurous projects in the world of audio-electronics.

warning : I'm a musician, NOT an electrician. What I do to my own equipment, is not necessary correct! I enjoy doing DIY stuff, and thought it was cool to put up a kind of studio tech-diary, a modding-log

Thank you for looking, and I hope you enjoy what you find here!

best, Kaada

Apr 22, 2006

in control with sudden squeeze

The pumping compressor that you can hear on some of my songs, is made with my Bigmuff. You can blend in a fuzz, into the compressor, and make pretty cool effects. Its kind of difficult to the settings right.The Sustain control optimizes the long sustain with just the right amount of harmonic distortion. I like to keep the sustain close to zero.

The music on the album is played very dynamic. I wanted the album to kind of flow, so I used a lot of compressors both at the pre-amp stage, the mix and in the mastering. At the mixing stage, they were mostly used as limiters.


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